Friday, May 7, 2010

Cheese Tray is Highlight of Career Fair

At a recent paralegal career fair, Sara was dismayed to learn the pool of employers included a mousy gal, a few portly state employees and a pompous wench from some corporation. The fair was held in a conference room on campus, and although all 50 program participants were required to attend, seating was available for 40. Having arrived in time to receive one of the coveted seats, Sara did feel somewhat elated. This was short-lived, as she soon realized none of the employers actually had any interest in hiring anyone, now or in the immediate future. Sara noted they did seem to have a strong interest in talking about themselves and how great the school's paralegal program is.

"After their little speeches, I did the round of obligatory greetings, received some rather limp handshakes and decided to get out of dodge," Sara stated.

"I was on my way out the 'career fair,' and I noticed a rather elaborate spread of cheese and crackers. Suddenly, the career fair wasn't looking so bad. There was pepperjack, colby, sharp cheddar and get this, goat cheese! When have you ever been offered goat cheese as part of a cheese tray?"

Sara ended up leaving the fair with an offer from a law firm willing to pay her solely in wheels of cheese.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Sara's Sink Classifieds

LOST: Black Tweezerman Tweezers. Last seen in Sara's living room three weeks ago. If found please return to the two hairy caterpillers residing on Sara's forehead.

LOST: Sara's Keys, along with numerous scan cards. If found, please do not turn into public library, as Sara owes them $23 in late fees. Also please do not return keys to her gym, as they will not know who she is.

LOST: Family Law Notes. Vanished two weeks ago. No reward offered. No desire for them to be returned. May have been lost on purpose.

FOUND: Numerous extra pounds around Sara's middle. Please call if interested. Willing to deliver the lard directly to you.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Sara Makes Empassioned Plea for Readers to Return

Blogger Sara held a press conference Thursday in an attempt to reclaim readers and redeem her angered blog. Reports find the Sara's Sink blog has not been updated since August of 2009.
"I want to apologize for my shameful behavior," Sara stated in the press conference. "I have abandoned not only my blog, but my readers as well. There isn't one thing that led to my straying. All I can say is that I am ashamed of my behavior and vow to never let it happen again." It was noted a solitary tear fell down Sara's cheek as she spoke.
Experts surmise that several factors may have led to Sara's horrible treatment of her blog. "We often see behavior like this in females her age. They begin to worry about settling for just any blog and begin to look for companionship elsewhere," said psychblogigist Dr. Morten.
"Although I haven't met with Sara, I have heard reports that she started crocheting on the side. The numbing action of the needle may have just been too strong. Of course pure unadulterated laziness may also be to blame."
She may be able to recover from this though. But she will have to make some drastic changes. No more will she be allowed to make random postings when she feels like it. She will need to show committment to this relationship."
Sara's Sink stood silently next to Sara during the press conference, rejecting Sara's outstretched hand. When questioned by reporters, the Sink would only answer, "She needs to earn me back."