Saturday, August 1, 2009

Babies, Babies Everywhere and Not a One is Sara's

What's this year's trend in summer get-togethers? It may have been mojitos and margaritas in years past, but this time, it's all about the offspring. As usual, Sara was once again behind in what's new.

A week after attending Megan and Chris's barbecue, it occurred to Sara that she was the only attendee that was sans child. She's now left wondering what the other guests must have thought.

"I didn't even bring taco dip or a six-pack, let alone a child. To make matters worse, my friend Jen brought two kids plus two bags of ice. If I had known I would have at least rounded up a cute puppy dog."

Recent studies have shown that people between the ages of 25-35 are indeed having children. In many instances, the event is followed with the purchase of a mini-van.

Looking back at her visit to Wisconsin, Sara is also realizing she went to a pool party and a Lia Sophia jewelery party where she was once again the odd unfertilized one out.

Sara's fallopian tubes refused to comment, but her disgruntled ovaries were more than willing to talk to our reporter.

"Every month it's another egg down the drain. Does she realize this bank only makes withdrawals and not deposits? And what is left, may be close to hard boiled or scrambled"

As a side note, Sara thought all the babies and children seemed to like her best.

"I really should have stolen one of them to take home. Then again, I think stealing children might classify you as a bad mother."


  1. Brilliant. Next time you can borrow Grace and take her with you. I'll get her some baby clothes and you can fool them all.

  2. Ok, this is seriously hilarious! You definitely need to keep this blog updated, because I'm totally hooked.

    P.S. Hi Sara!!
